Today the King of Pop leave us. It was indeed a shock to the whole world.
He was crowned the King of Pop for a reason. When he was still breathing, he presented us with great hits and dance moves that greatly inspire musicians and dancers all around the world. Example of his famous hits are Thriller, Beat It, Smooth Criminal, Heal the World, Black or White, Mirror Man, and many more.
Another thing that was famous about him was his Moonwalk and 90 degree lean.
He was one of the singers whose name I knew when I was very young. His death was really surprising and it has saddenned alot of people in this world including me.
However, there are alot of people that dispises him because of recent child molesting trials against him. People fell that he is a sicko and is not worth to be worshipped after his death but I think that as a performer and singer, what's important is what has he achieved in the music industry. He has achieved alot with his talent and gave the community alot. As an aspiring musician I truly respect and worship him for his musical talent. People can say alot of things about him but in my heart he is forever more the King of Pop and no one can ever replace him. May he rest in peace.